

GLEAMviz ABM is a hybrid stochastic simulator that relies on the structured meta-population GLEAM model worldwide, while at the same time using a high-resolution agent-based model (ABM) in selected countries

GLEAMviz ABM is a hybrid stochastic simulator that relies on the structured meta-population GLEAM model worldwide, while at the same time using a high-resolution agent-based model (ABM) in selected countries. Both the global-scale and the agent-based model are based on real data about population distribution and mobility fluxes. It is possible to configure the hybrid simulations in a flexible way by selecting the country to be modeled with the ABM code and specifying any additional required parameters. One can simulate the spread of different kinds of ILI diseases, possibly taking into account several intervention strategies, such as vaccination, administration of antiviral drugs, school closure, and isolation of cases. Using the integrated platform, the user is capable of visualizing and exploring the ABM specific output by means of custom tools designed for that purpose. For example, the additional analysis components and charts allow accessing and displaying the information computed by the agent-based simulation engine such as individuals who stay at home from school.

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